Your To Do List
What’s on your to-do list today? Make breakfast, go to work, have lunch, go home from work, a little TV with the family (or alone), and then off to bed? Maybe you also have some errands to run. Or maybe you have some other appointments to make. Maybe you’re living life, being responsible, and getting through as best you can. As you make up your to do lists every week, have you ever considered checking into this whole eternal life thing?
Think about this. What if those Christians are actually right. And if you’re going to be an honest person…one who’s tolerant of other worldviews and one who celebrates the diverse culture palette in America…you should at least consider even Christianity as a possible source of truth.
Work with me here for a second. Let’s say, for grins, that I tell you a man named Jesus lived about 2,000 years ago. And let’s say…um…turns out He really DID do all those miracles. Wine into water. Sight to the blind. Good legs to the lame. Raising from the dead. And let’s say…um…turns out He really DID get crucified even after being found innocent. And let’s say He really DID rise from the dead as He said He would.
If those accounts really are true, and you know us pesky Christians…we insist those accounts really are true. If they are, Jesus would have to be…
There, I said it. The Bible makes the claim that Jesus is God in the flesh. And if it’s true, then when He said “no one comes to the Father except through me“, He pretty much eliminated any other way of attaining eternal life.
On the surface it may sound like an exclusive religion that leaves people out in the cold. But the offer of eternal life is to every person who ever lived, lives now, or ever will live. The key point is…it’s a choice. God doesn’t force you to love Him or force you to live with Him forever. You get to freely choose.
If any of this creates even a tiny pause in your daily routine…take that moment to ponder it. And when you make out your to do list for the day, add some eternal life investigation into the mix. Maybe you’ll thank me one day a thousand years from now. I hope so.
Stay tuned…