I’m part of a resellers Facebook group (and I hate Facebook, by the way), run by The Legendary Perry. And the subject of hoarding comes up occasionally. Because, I guess, reselling can feel like, or even turn into, hoarding…for some. But you know who’s definitely not a hoarder? Mr. Young Moon.
Mr. Young Moon sounds like an Asian cult leader.
But he’s not. In fact, he’s not even a he. Or even a she. Young Moon is an it. Because it’s a name I made up for our little light-hearted nightlight sitting up there in the sky.
But my point about not being a hoarder is true. And it’s important to know this because scientists used to believe there’d be a “sea of dust, possibly a mile in thickness,” on the moon. But why would they think such nonsense. Because they based their calculations on nonsense.
Specifically, that the moon is billions of years old.
And if it was, maybe it would have hoarded…uh, accumulated that much dust. But once we landed men on the moon, they discovered there was only enough dust to make a footprint. Wow, that’s crazy. Except, it’s not crazy at all for a young moon.
Just in case you think our more “modern” science and scientific instruments might confirm the old moon hypothesis…nope. They have ways to measure how much meteoritic material lands on the moon. And recent measurements don’t support the old ideas.
But why is any of that important?
Well, it’s not if you don’t care about truth and eternity and your soul.
But just in case you do, it might be a good idea to examine where you put your faith. Is it in so-called “science” that’s more and more debunked with each passing year? Or is it in information that’s more and more confirmed with each passing year?
Or better yet, is your faith in The Truth?
If you’ve followed me or listened to my podcast for any length of time, you know where my faith is. And you know you and I and everyone else get to choose. And as a wise one once said,
“I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live”
You can’t run away from real truth.
And every word of truth is a knife.
A captivating voice might pigeonhole your choice,
Cut free…and choose life.
Stay tuned,
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