You are awesome! And that’s not an accident.
When you look deeply into the structure of your human body…right down to the proteins, amino acids, and every cell…you’ll discover you are awesome. And with all our advanced microscope technology, I can’t imagine anyone wanting or deciding to believe all that complexity could have gotten here by random chance in only a few billion years.
Have you ever thought about how YOU got here? I don’t mean mankind. I mean YOU. Let’s leave the whole world out of the question for a moment. Just take a minute and think about how you got here. You probably know, or have some understanding of, how 23 chromosomes from your mom and 23 chromosomes from your dad mixed together and created the singularly unique combination that is you. Right? And maybe you’ve thought about how that process goes back to their parents…and their parents’ parents…and so on. Right? Maybe you’ve even thought about the process of forming in the womb and childbirth. Do you see how you’re not just accidental proteins, carbs, and fats?
You are awesome because you’re here on purpose.
Let me share with you why I say “on purpose”. Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. But did you know amino acids can’t link together to form proteins if oxygen is present. “So what,” you say. Well, if oxygen was present when the first forms of life were supposed to have evolved (and it was, as I talked about recently) then proteins couldn’t have occurred from random chemical reactions. And scientists have discovered oxygen in rocks that were supposedly here before any of the earliest fossils. So much for the ideal random circumstances to form even the basic building blocks of life. But wait, there’s more…
To form proteins amino acids need to be “highly concentrated in extremely pure liquid“. And if the earth was a molten mass of liquids, solids, and gases when life was beginning, how pure would that be? Answer: Not very. And there’s more, but I suggest you follow one of the links you see on this page and read about it from a brilliant scientist, engineer, and former atheist. Don’t just take the word of a singer songwriter for cryin’ out loud.
Here’s how I put it…
You’re here on purpose.
You were designed.
The living God
Had you in mind
When you were formed…
And given breath.
You can live on
After your death.
But you must choose
While you’re still here.
Don’t live in doubt.
Don’t live in fear.
Give up the world
And keep your soul.
You’re here on purpose
By God’s control.
© 2017 Tony Funderburk
Stay tuned,
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