I’m not sure, but I don’t think
I’ve ever suffered from writer block.
There have been times when I didn’t write as much as others. But I’ve never had an actual writer block. Instead, what happens to me is what I call “writer flood”. My head gets flooded with ideas. Ideas for books, for pictures, for characters, for music and lyrics to go along with stories, for…etc. etc. etc. And sometimes the flood can dam up the works and mimic a writer block. But there are some pretty cool ways to unplug the dam.
A lot of writers and marketers talk about “speed writing” or “freeform writing” or several other names for it. And they suggest you sit down and start writing everything that comes into your head. Even if it’s just to say something like “this is boring” 100 times. They say “write…don’t edit”. Now, I can see merit to this because it at least gets you and the paper or blank screen working together.
But…I’ve been writing for decades, and I’ve always edited my writing in my head. And it’s the absolute write way to write. FOR ME. I love the wonderful feeling of words swirling around in my head. Then, I see them in my mind’s eye and start plucking them down like ripe apples. Maybe it’s because most of my writing life has been in the arena of songwriting. But, whatever it is, even as I’m writing this very blog post, I’m simply word processing in my head. Then I type it out, see if I misspelled anything and move on to the next sentence or paragraph.
I don’t recommend this method to relieve writer block for everyone.
But I don’t recommend against it either. The main thing is…find YOUR writing style. The writing style YOUR head and your hands like. Then set them free.
One last note on that…I believe the longer you live the easier this style of writing is. And that’s because you have more and more of life’s experience living in your head. Again…set them free.
Now, maybe you don’t know me well enough to buy something from me, yet. Ok, let’s change that. Get to know more about me and my worldview. Join the growing body of believers who’ve signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And bask in daily, delightful flashes of light from the power of God’s love.
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