Wahoo McDaniel. Fritz von Erich. The Funk Brothers. These might not be household names to you. But back in the late 60’s, into the first couple years of the 70’s, they were known at my Dad’s house. Because they were wrestlers, and he enjoyed the comedy and drama of televised wrestling matches. But before I go any further, I want you to know…
Dad never thought those wrestling matches were real.
Far from it. And I think that’s why he enjoyed ’em. Because they put on a show. And the audiences, at the arena, seemed to think it was real. Or at least they acted like that’s what they thought. People would pick their favorites and cheer for them. And they booed for the “bad guys.”
It was cheap, Saturday night entertainment. And I can still remember Dad laughing at all those antics.
Fast forward to recent years, and I bet wrestling matches haven’t changed all that much. From what I’ve read, they’re still full of scripted antics. But nowadays, some of the famous wrestlers can become big-screen movie stars. Like Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) for example.
And it seems like at least some of the modern day wrestlers take better care of themselves. It’s uncanny how many of the wrestlers from “back in the day” died in their 40’s.
Which brings me to my real reason for sharing this wrestling news with you. Yeah, you didn’t really think I was gonna tell you about my new WWF swag, did you?
No. But I AM thinking about another wrestling match.
That one going on inside you.
And me. And, as it turns out, the Apostle Paul. He talked about it in his letter to the Romans. And it’s yet another way the Bible is full of believable realism. Because the men who stood out and were chosen and were named…were also flawed.
So flawed, sometimes, that innocent people were hurt, or suffered great loss, or even murdered.
But Paul pointed out, in Romans, how each and every human being has to deal with his or her own flesh. From the time you’re aware of your own identity to the very end of your life. And, on your own, you will fail.
Because even if you use some magnificent meditational magic and control yourself, you might still spend eternity in a place where it will have all been for nothing.
No amount of good living, good thoughts, or good deeds can save you from your wrestling match.
Only Grace can do it. But here’s the thing. That Grace is free.
And that’s amazing.
Ask me how I know.
And I will tell you
That it’s WHO I know.
Stay tuned,
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