OK, let’s talk about the old wooden nickel. If you were about 6 or 7 thousand years old, people would probably say something like, “You look young for your age.” Right? Hmm…probably not so much. But if you were a planet, like say…well…let’s say our little planet Earth. If someone told you Earth is only about 6 or 7 thousand years old, you’d think that was pretty young. Because you’ve alway heard it’s billions of years old.
And that nonsense is like the old wooden nickel.
Yeah, that’s right. I called it nonsense. But I have a good reason for challenging the notion that Earth is billions of years old and calling it nonsense.
Because it IS.
When you’re really and truly willing to examine the evidence (instead of regurgitating the same ol’ same ol’), you’ll discover mountains of it. Evidence that is. But not dust. Or nickel.
By now you might be thinking, “Tony! You’re all over the place. Wooden nickels. Age of the Earth. Dust. What in the world are you talking about?”
Or maybe you’re thinking, “You’re onto something Tony. Tell me more.”
Hope that second one’s true. Because I’m gonna tell you a little more.
Some of the evidence that Earth is young (thousands of years, not billions) is meteoritic dust. Side note: just in case you’re sick and tired of cleaning up dust in your house, you can partly blame meteors.
Here’s what I read, in Dr. Walt Brown’s book “In The Beginning,” about meteoritic dust. It’s “accumulating on Earth so fast that, after 4-billion years (at today’s low and diminishing rate), the equivalent of more than 16 feet of this dust should have accumulated. Because this dust is high in nickel, Earth’s crust should have abundant nickel. No such concentration has been found on land or in the oceans. Therefore, Earth appears to be young.”
That’s actually good news.
Except to people who prefer to ignore good news and live with no hope. And, sadly, that’s most of the people on the planet. And the irony is, so many of them believe they’ll just become part of all that dust on the planet and that’ll be end of that.
But they don’t realize their eternal soul will go on. And on. And they’ll exist in a place where they’ll long for the days of dusting the furniture. But those days will be long gone. Never to return. Ever.
When I was a kid, there used to be a saying, “Don’t take any wooden nickels.” And that referred to coins, made from wood, that had no real value. Which is kinda like the idea that we all evolved from an old Earth. That idea will lead most people to…
A fate worse than death.
And it doesn’t have to be.
But sadly they will choose
Their bleak eternity.
Stay tuned,
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