
Why is Christian music so bad? This doesn’t make me glad. — 2 Comments

  1. Why does God have unconditional love for us ?we can’t comprehend it because we don’t possess that ability. The reasons for his love is his character and strength. We are weak pitifully so. And he is strong. The song isn’t really that
    T bad.

  2. Hi Helen. Thanks for taking the time to visit and read what I wrote. I know you have lots of places, people, and things vying for your attention. So, I’m humbled by the fact that you spent some time on my website. As for unconditional love: there actually is a condition required of every person in order to obtain God’s love forever. And that condition is to love and trust Jesus as your savior. And we’re able to comprehend that requirement even if we don’t completely understand how God could love us that much.

    When you say the song “isn’t really that bad,” what redeeming qualities would you say it has to point someone to Jesus. It never even mentions his name. In fact, if the song was played on a secular station, and the audience wasn’t told it was a “Christian” song, almost nobody would know.

    So, I would never recommend that style of music to be played in a church where praise and worship should clearly illustrate and highlight Who it is the church is praising and worshiping.

    I hope my reply doesn’t turn you away from visiting my website again. And I’m glad you love the Lord. Tony