When you were young, was the world a better place? And can you honestly agree with these thoughts.
- You had a lot more fun
- People were nicer
- Grownups took better care of our world
- Life was just plain easier
Yeah, when you were young, was that how it was?
I sure thought it was. At least that’s how I thought when I was young. But then, one day, it came time to put away childish things.
And I realized that it was my rose-colored memories. Not 100% of it. Because there were plenty of improvements over what our world and our country have become during my time here on Earth.
I believe every generation, from the second one on down, have probably dealt with those thoughts.
So, you can fondly remembering childhood. Or you might even remember it with anger and frustration.
But that’s all just potentially negative distraction. Because you can’t go back even one second. And it doesn’t make sense to hold anyone from the past (including yourself) responsible for it.
So, here’s what makes more sense. Realize those thoughts from your childhood were childish thoughts. Those memories were childish, even if they’re cherished. And right now is the time you actually live in. So, right now it’s time to put away those childish things.
I can still remember hearing my Grandparents lament, “What’s this world coming to?” And now I hear my generation, the Boomers, say much of the same.
Yep, it’s a matter of perspective.
But it’s also a matter of putting on your grownup clothes and doing something about here and now. Do something to bring joy to someone’s life so they might have at least a glimmer of hope to be able to say “life was so much nicer, when I was young.”
Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. When you do, I’ll send you some music and a book for kids right away. Then, I’ll send you daily flashes of light from the faith, hope, and the power of God’s love.
Maybe I was naive and young.
Maybe life was speaking in tongues.
I would say let the bells of freedom be rung.
But time can temper the freest of souls.
Life has ways of changing our goals.
If we play a part, who hands out the roles? © 1989-2017
(from “Learn Those Lines”)
Stay tuned…