When it comes to truth, most politicians would rather not. I hope that’s not true, when it comes to YOU. And I hope you don’t leave yourself in a compromised position when it comes to life and truth.
Because compromise can sear your soul when it comes to you.
That doesn’t make you a special target. Compromise can sear any soul who gives in to it.
And, for the sake of easy-to-understand clarity, I’m not talking about the compromise you make on which music to listen to, or which curtains to buy, or which appetizer to order. A little compromise, in those kinds of decisions, can make life more pleasant.
But when it comes to life and truth, compromise should sound like profanity to you.
Eight years ago, around this time of year, I wrote an unpopular opinion post. Sure, I know. I write those all the time, and that’s why the number of people connect with me is small.
The reason my post was so unpopular was because I dared to say you shouldn’t vote for Hillary or Donald. I said, “I understand not wanting her for a president. But I’d like you to consider something much more important…the issue of life.”
But, as I suspected, my recommendation fell on mostly deaf ears.
And I read comments like:
“I’ll just hold my nose and vote for Trump.”
“Well, when these are your choices, you have to pick the lesser of two evils.”
“Sure, he’s not completely pro life, but he’s closer than Hillary. And he loves this country.”
“If you don’t vote for one of the 2 parties’ candidates, you’re throwing your vote away.”
Yeah, that last comment came around a lot. But nothing could be further from the Truth. Because you NEVER have only two choices in elections and politics. There’s ALWAYS a third option. Always.
The third option is to not compromise the Truth. Jesus is that Truth. And He told his followers that if someone does harm to the “little ones,” it would be better to be thrown into the sea tied to a large stone. Yikes!
Of course, we’d never do that now.
We’re much too caring, civilized, and loving. So, we reward child abusers and molesters with a lifelong studio apartment, three meals a day, and all their needs met.
But, back to those silly little presidential candidates and their ideas on what’s good for America.
If your presidential candidate compromises on the issue of life (our first and foremost God-given right), then what issue(s) do you suppose he or she won’t compromise? Budgets? Spending? Foreign policy? Entitlement programs? All of the above?
Let’s say, for the sake of thinking things through a little further, there was one candidate who compromised on all the financial and foreign policy issues. But let’s say that candid wouldn’t budge on the right to life of every human being. And that includes the whole life, from conception to natural death. You could still make a compromise and vote for that candidate.
Because no office holder can live up to a perfect standard. Nobody can.
But if a candidate comes right out and says (and they all do) they’ll compromise on how many unborn babies to kill, that one issue disqualifies them. Period.
It’s better to obey God and let the chips fall where they may. And Jesus said (in red letters) “inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to Me.”
Look at that statement carefully.
Jesus used words purposefully and meticulously. He said “one of the least.” He didn’t say “some” or “part” or “all.” And He said “one of the least of these.” And you can’t get any more “least” than unborn babies. When you take the compromising position that it’s OK to abort even one unborn baby, you disqualify yourself from having any wisdom.
And what America needs, in a leader, is wisdom. Not just somebody who can beat the opponent.
I know there are Christians who struggle with this issue of life because of their own past.
But, when it comes to YOU, remember that Jesus died for ALL your sins. And He wants you to use wisdom to help others see further down the road than you did. Just because you made poor decisions in your life doesn’t mean you can’t use and share God’s wisdom with others who might be struggling with the same decisions you once faced.
And one way you can help them is to show them you will no longer compromise on the basic human, and God-given, right to life.
And remember, God hopes you’ll stand up for His Truth.
He’s much more concerned about your eternal soul than who is elected president.
Elections, presidents, and even countries and nations will pass away. But God’s word will never pass away. And He says it’s never right, for any reason, to shed innocent blood.
So, consider whether or not your vote will leave you compromised with God’s word. And consider whether or not your vote endangers the eternal soul of your candidate.
You can’t run away from real truth.
And every word of truth is a knife.
A captivating voice might pigeonhole your choice,
Cut free…and choose life.
Before you go, jump on the The FunderFlash. And join the growing band of believers who enjoy my books, daily rhymes, songs, and videos about the powerful Rhyme and Reason of God’s love.
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