I could ask a profound question of grownups like, “Any ideas what you will be doing in ten years?”
And I could get some profound answers, some unprepared answers, and even some who would say they don’t really have an answer. But what if I asked little kids that very same question? Or what if I asked them that question…and then I gave them a bunch of choices in the form of questions?
Well, since my specialty is writing for kids, I wrote a few of those questions so we don’t have to wonder. If you have kids, read ’em this verse and see if they have other thoughts on what they’ll be doing. I bet they’ll have some of their typical delightful ideas…
What will you be doing
When you’re not doing what you’re doing?
Will some pieces need some gluing?
Will your feet both need some shoeing?
Will your smile replace boo-hooing
When you hear a big cow mooing?
Will you watch some hot tea brewing?
Will you smell a pot roast stewing?
Will you see a bear pursuing
When you go somewhere canoeing?
Will it all be your undoing
When you’re doing what you’re doing?
Stay tuned,
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