What do you believe God couldn’t or wouldn’t help you through? Of course, I mean things that don’t go against His nature and word. Do you think financial problems are out of the question? Family squabbles? Job pressures? With all the people in the world, surely there’s an end to His patience and understanding. Right?
Well, yes. And no.
He DOES make promises to us mere mortals.
In several places in the Bible, God says “I am with you.” And that He’ll help you.
Maybe He’ll hold you up with His “righteous right hand.” Or maybe He’ll anoint your head with oil. Who knows? Maybe He’ll send you “the Helper, the Holy Spirit.” Whoa, do you realize what that means?
It means His help could be as close as a prayer.
So, I repeat. What do you believe God couldn’t or wouldn’t help you through?
Why in the world would you fear what this temporary world might throw at you? I’d like to urge you to trust more and fear less. It may not come to you automatically. But make it a daily habit to eat the bread of Life and drink the Living Water. If and when you do, you’ll start to know that you know it’s true when God says “I Am with you.
If you know someone who hasn’t put their faith in God, find a way to remind them how their time to do that is mighty limited. His patience with this world will run out. And it could be today. No matter what any of us believe.
It’s me. I wrestle with me.
I know You can see my futility
So don’t let me be, and make me to see…
That it’s You. It’s all about You.
Whatever You do to carry me through
And bring me to You…well I want You to.
Lord, it’s all about You.
(from my song, “It’s All About You”)
Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love.
Stay tuned…