What can you see way down inside your heart?
Did you know you have two hearts? And you’re not even a mutant or an alien. The heart you hear beating has blood inside it. A doctor can take a picture of your heart and see what it looks like. But you also have another heart that even the doctor can’t see with all his tools. That heart doesn’t beat like your other one, but it’s where the most important part of you is. Guess what…there’s someone who can even see inside your heart where no one else can see. Wanna know who it is?
You were made by someone who has lived forever. He’s not some old man who lives on top of a tall mountain or up the sky. He’s God. And He’s a spirit, so He never gets old. And here’s a special secret…He knows you better than you know yourself. He can see all the way inside you…all the way through your skin and bones and blood and right inside your heart of hearts. That’s where He wants to be…if you’ll let Him.
When you let the Spirit of God live right inside your heart, you’ll be able to live the rest of forever. I hope you want to do that because I’d sure like to see you in Heaven and be forever friends. If you don’t think you want to do that, send me a note and tell me why. If you’ve already done it, let me know about that, too. OK? Now, here’s a little rhyme to encourage you…
You can have the life of God inside your heart.
All you really gotta do is ask Him in.
He’s already made a Way, so don’t put it off today.
Then, no matter what you lose, you truly win.
Stay tuned,
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