How about making this Saturday and Sunday a weekend to remember?
“But Tony (you say to your computer or mobile monitor) “It’s just another weekend. I don’t have any plans, money, or ideas. How could I and why should I make it a weekend to remember? What will that prove?” Well, it’ll prove you’re alive and loving life.
And that’ll make it a weekend to remember.
You don’t have to spend a bunch of money…or any for that matter. You don’t have to make calls, get out your appointment book and make reservations, or even make any special blocks of time available. You only need to show your love.
Yep, you read that right. Show your love, whether it’s to one person, the whole family, or even a large group, and let it shine. C’mon…I know it’s in you. It’s just sitting there thinking you won’t use it. And why shouldn’t it think that? After all, did you let your love shine last weekend? Did you selflessly look for opportunities to do for others as you’d have done unto you? Or did you watch the special sports programming? Or latest blockbuster at the cinema? Or go out in search of some new bling bling?
There’s really nothing all that wrong with any of those activities…but there’s almost a 100% chance none of them will help you create a weekend to remember.
But love can do that. Love rejoices, bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things. If it can do that, I suspect it can blow the lid off an otherwise dull and boring weekend. So this Saturday and Sunday think of someone you know who could use a hug or a kiss and and then make sure you’re the provider…
…not only will you make it a weekend to remember…you’ll be sowing some seeds that’ll provide you with that same kind of love if and when you need it. Go give it a try. And come back here and let me know how it went. I’ll wait…
Stay tuned,
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