Weekends tend to get all the positive attention while week days tend to be looked upon as something you have to get through. So, if week days could walk and talk, maybe they’d end up whining about their lives and their jobs…just like we humans do.
The Weak Days
Wednesday walked into the room
And looked around and said,
“I don’t know why I came in here.
I must have bumped my head
On last night’s waning crescent moon
As it drooped in the sky.
No, that’s just HOW I came in here,
But I still don’t know why.”
Thursday turned around and saw
The look on Wednesday’s face.
“You must have seen the sign,” he said,
“That pointed to this place.
The sign that said to come inside
And have a nice cool drink.
That must be why you’re here today.
At least that’s what I think.”
In the corner Friday chimed,
“That isn’t it at all.
You said to me two days ago
You felt like you would fall,
If you were not allowed to pause
And not allowed to speak
About the challenge you must face
As middle of the week.”
Saturday began to laugh,
“How can you dare complain?
The middle of the week’s not hard.
You’re on the gravy train.
You have two days in front and back
To keep you safe and sound.
So if you’re feeling insecure,
Just take a look around.”
Monday had to speak up then,
“Don’t get me started here.
Nobody in the world likes me.
They see me and steer clear.
They pass me by at every chance,
And then they find a way
To make me feel not quite so bad
I’m called a holiday.
Tuesday piped up in the back,
“You talk of being passed.
Try walking in my shoes a while
I’m neither first nor last.
Nobody ever chooses me
To celebrate new things,
And you can bet I’m not the point
Why anybody sings.”
Sunday listened to them all
And wondered why they whined.
“We all must stick together here
‘Cause we were all designed.
A loving God made each of us
Important in our ways.
So, let’s remember why we’re here.
We’re week days…not weak days.”
Stay tuned,
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(My regular emails about the essentials of life, AND some music and other good stuff, for Fa-Ree)