Walk In The Light
If you were in a dark forest on the side of a mountain, and you didn’t know which way to go, but you saw two paths…one to the left that seemed to go down a rocky ravine…and…one to the right that was lit up and well-groomed, which path would you choose? Unless you’re a glutton for punishment, I’ll bet you’d choose to walk in the light. I sure would.
Life is full of choices. In fact, choosing life itself is a vitally important choice. And I don’t mean just choosing to stay alive in this world as long as you can. I’m talking about the abundant, overflowing eternal life you can have…if you choose it.
Guess what. Eternal life will never be forced on you. If you don’t want it, you can say no, and it will be given to others who do. But let me share an illustration with you. Imagine having your body die, but you find out the YOU who exists inside that body is still alive. Now imagine having the spirit of life separated from your very soul…and yet, the you who exists inside your mind still exists. Now imagine having no body and no spirit. You can’t see you, and you can’t see anyone else. But you know without a doubt that you still exist. After all…who keeps thinking those thoughts all around you? You!
And now imagine going to a place where you’ll exist forever in that state. Never again having a body…never again having the spirit of life…yet existing forever with only your thoughts of what could have been. That’s torment. Self-inflicted, everlasting torment. And it could have easily been avoided if you had chosen to walk in the Light of God.
If you haven’t already chosen life which is found only in your Creator…Jesus, I hope you’ll consider doing it today. The tomorrow you think is going to get here may never actually get here for you. All you need to do is read or watch the news to see how many people died on a day, and in a way, they never dreamed would be today.
Wherever you are right now, and no matter your circumstances, you can make a very pro choice…life. Abundant, eternal life with the one, true, living, loving God who knew you from your mother’s womb. He is Light…the Light of the world, and when you walk in the Light of the world, it’s awesome.
Stay tuned…