Using Words To Make A Picture
Ever since I was about 16 I’ve been using words to make a picture.
Well, let me clear that up a little. I haven’t been using words for all that time to just come up with one picture. Ha! That would have to be one large and complicated picture. No, what I mean is…I’ve been using words to make a picture every time I’ve written a poem, or song, or story. Most of my writing life has been involved with just the words. Only recently have I added actual pictures to the mix.
When I do my illustrations for my ebooks for kids, or for these Rhyme Time articles, or for videos that I make, I’m creating something I see in my head. And that’s my point…it’s based on what I envision. It doesn’t merely leave the picture up to what my readers see in their own heads. I suppose there’s a plus and a minus to that. But I also know that illustrations that go along with my writing for kids can be a fun addition. They add a whimsical touch to the works, and hopefully they can inspire smiles and giggles.
What do you think? Do you prefer writers to stick to using words to make a picture? Or do you like it when they add artwork to the mix?
Using words to make a picture
Makes the picture clear.
In your head the image changes
As you keep it near.
It can last throughout your whole life.
You can share it, too.
Using words to make a picture…
A verbal point of view.
Stay tuned,
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