They say if you wanna make meaningful connections, understanding is the key. And I agree. But then again, I disagree. Understanding is a word that can have an almost identical meaning as either a noun or an adjective. Most people probably wouldn’t give that a second thought, but I think it’s a very cool and interesting fact.
Mull this over for a minute or two. Think about just how small you are compared to God. It should make you very thankful of how much time He’s spent on understanding your needs, wants, and desires. You might be small, compared to Him, but you’re definitely not insignificant to Him.
In fact, He thought you were worth sacrificing His life.
The source of sovereign intelligence and eternal life took it upon Himself to pay the debt for all sin. That’s after 4,000 years talking to, meeting the needs of, and having patience with stubborn, rebellious humans.
So, you might think God’s power of understanding is the key to salvation.
But you’d be wrong, if you thought that.
No one has ever been saved by God’s understanding. And no one ever will be.
You and I have hope of eternal life for one reason. And one reason only. Because God loves us.
And because God showed us how to love…we should. But what does love require so much of the time? If you wanna be willing and able to give it, love needs understanding. You don’t have to buy anything, make anything, or even always actively DO anything to show and give love.
Here’s an awesome example of what I mean.
Use your ears to show love.
Valentine’s Day is coming up in a few days. And it’s a day most people probably show love with flowers and flowery words. And maybe a big dose of chocolate.
But many times (if not most) all it takes is a pair of caring, listening ears. When you give your full attention to someone who’s hurting, you can reach a level of understanding that can turn their day or even a life around.
On this Valentine’s Day I’m sending out love and understanding to you.
Especially if you disagree with my worldview.
You can let it fly right past you and land in someone else’s heart if you want. But my hope is that you’ll pay attention to my words. And then, be glad there’s someone “out there” who truly cares what happens to you.
I do care. And I can guarantee this, too. I’m not the only one.
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