Twitter Music
I can name that tune in 140 notes, so obviously I must be talking about “twitter music“. Yep, Twitter is apparently working on their own music streaming service. I wish them well. And this proves, yet again, that even though millions and millions and millions of people don’t want to pay for music, they can’t seem to live without it.
With every major player like Apple, Google, Facebook, and now Twitter putting so much emphasis on music, they must consider it a huge marketing plus. And I would have to guess they’re figuring out how to monetize the use of this music to their best advantage. Meanwhile musicians all over the globe keep figuring out more and more ways to give their work away.
Don’t misunderstand. I give away music, too. But I’m trying to think like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter…how can I provide good, and sometimes free music, and thrive in this world of devalued art?
I look at it like this. Apple has a huge music fan base with iTunes. But they don’t have everyone. Google has a huge music fan base with YouTube and Google Play. But they don’t have everyone. Facebook is building a huge music fan base with services like Spotify. But they don’t have everyone. Do you see the age old pattern forming here? I don’t need everyone in order to have a decent fan base. I just need to get in front of as many people who like my kind of music as possible. Then, give them what they want in the most consistent, quality way I can.
So…I’ll be looking at Twitter music with the same discernment I use on iTunes, Google Play, Facebook, and a host of others. If it works to be there, I’ll be there. If not, you can always find me writing, sharing, and selling music here on the good ol’
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