Yeah, life these days is challenging from every corner. It’s frustrating to see so much hurt, hopelessness, and inhumanity. It’s tempting to simply gripe, complain, and yell at the world. But don’t those things just add to the problems? How about you try this on for size: Give thanks instead. Your Creator would love to hear from you.
Don’t try to pray away all the pain.
You could be disappointed, disillusioned, disenchanted.
Don’t ask God to save you from the hurt.
You could live to see that the prayer has not been granted.
Instead…give thanks for all His love.
Instead…be glad for all He’s done.
Our sin could torture us forever.
Instead…He gave His only Son.
Don’t be so quick to ask for an end
To the hard times, rocky roads, and fire and rain.
Don’t cry out for a wonderful sign
And when it doesn’t appear, throw your hands up in vain.
Instead…give thanks for all His love.
Instead…be glad for all He’s done.
Our sin could torture us forever.
Instead…He gave His only Son.
There will be trials…and tribulation,
In every life…in every nation.
You could give up…but bow your head
And thank your loving Lord instead.
© 2010 Tony Funderburk
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