A straight line is the shortest route between two points. One of the most difficult lessons I ever learned in Geometry. You know what I’m talkin’ about. Right? Yeah, the struggle is real. And so many people struggle to stay on … Read the rest
Jim Stafford co-wrote and recorded a really stupid song called “Spiders and Snakes” way back in the 20th century. I don’t like the song. But I agree with his lyrics. “I don’t like spiders and snakes.” Yeah, that’s a big … Read the rest
I’m a nice guy. Ask anybody. Well, don’t ask Greg. Because he’d life if the truth sounded better. But other than that, ask anybody. Well, come to think of it, don’t ask the millions upon millions who hate me just … Read the rest
Human beings are curious creatures. Especially those of us who’ve been fortunate to have been born in a “free” society where so much stuff and nonsense happens in the name of freedom. And I’ve said, before, that Americans tend to … Read the rest
Habitual liars just make up stuff as they go along. I think we can all agree on that. Right? But what we might not agree on are the lies. Most everyone who subscribes to my blog, emails, FunderCast, YouTube channel, … Read the rest
My wife became a certified health coach several years ago. And one of the key things her instructor mentioned, that hit home with me, was that self care is the best healthcare. There’s a ton of rhyme and reason to … Read the rest
Katy, bar the door. Because I’m gonna share some truth from a Russian. (gasp!) Yeah, you read that right. I found the one Russian who was understood truth and actually shared it. And I don’t want anyone leaving till everyone … Read the rest
I know that you know that words can be deceiving. When I was a kid, we had a rhyme to thwart something somebody might say about us. It went like this: “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words … Read the rest
They’re everywhere. In almost every household. Certainly in every politician’s office. And in the heads of most every kind of person there is. From young graduates to old tyrants. Big plans. For good. And not so good. And downright evil. … Read the rest
Real, and true, inalienable rights come from God. And all those so-called “laws” that so-called “lawmakers” make, almost daily? Well, they’re childish gibberish hung from a foolish wish. And they’re subject to subjectivism and/or the whims of a so-called “organic” … Read the rest