There’s no getting around it. In this life you will have to suffer fools. To have no contact with fools you’d need to leave the planet. And sorry to say…that would make you a fool, and then your plan would self-explode. 🙂
Now, just because you have to suffer fools and their willful ignorance doesn’t mean you have to do it gladly. In fact, you should remove yourself from their presence if they refuse to listen to and acknowledge truth. And guess what…
…Truth does truly exist.
The Truth came to live here on Earth about 2000 years ago. Maybe you’ve heard of Him. His name is Jesus. He was welcomed and loved by many. But He was hated, scorned, and persecuted by many more. Why? Because He told them the truth. And truth is hate to those who hate the truth.
Have you found yourself having to suffer fools more viciously and maliciously recently? I certainly have. It’s incredulous to me how often I’ve reached out to others, in love…only to suffer their hatred in return. But it’s not really too surprising if you’ve ever read what Jesus said about that: Â “I chose you out of this world therefore the world hates you“.
I’m not saying I’m a good man, free from foolish decisions and untouched by sin. I’ve been a fool. So has everyone else at one time or another. The only good Christian who ever lived was THEÂ Christ…Jesus. And, in His wisdom and understanding of how to suffer fools, even He said “why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is, God“. He was making a point.
If you’ve ever listened to my Christian songs, you may have noticed a common thread or theme. In the lyrics I consistently acknowledge my own need for a Savior. My own stupidity. My own shortcomings and failures. I’ve told people I need a Savior more than most. And the awesome news is…
…there IS a Savior. And even though He created the whole universe and everything in it from nothing…using only words…He thinks I’m worthy of saving. He loves little ol’ me enough to take my punishment. Knowing that enables me to suffer fools till the day I breathe my last breath…or until the Lord comes in the clouds and calls me into the air.
Stay tuned…