I’ve heard it said more times than I can remember that if you don’t vote for one of the 2 parties’ candidates, you basically throw your vote away. Nothing could be further from the Truth. I capitalized Truth for a reason.
Because most politicians wouldn’t know Truth even if it was in the bestselling book of all time. And even the ones who do are fairly quick to compromise when it comes to the most basic of all rights. The right to life.
If your presidential candidate compromises on that issue (the first and foremost God-given right), then what do you suppose they won’t compromise on? Budgets? Spending? Foreign policy? Entitlement programs? All of the above?
When you vote for anyone like that you throw your vote away.
You could maybe vote for a candidate who compromised on all of those side issues. And you wouldn’t throw your vote away if they weren’t willing to budge on the right to life of every human being. And that includes everyone from conception to natural death. Yeah, you could still vote for that candidate with a clear conscience. After all, I don’t expect any office holder to live up to a perfect standard. None of us can.
But if a candidate states (and they all do) they’ll compromise on how many unborn babies to kill, that one issue disqualifies them. Period.
Jesus used words purposefully and meticulously. He said “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” He didn’t say “some” or “part” or “all.”
Notice, He said “ONE of the least of these.” And you can’t get any more “least” than unborn babies. When you compromise and say it’s OK to abort even one unborn baby, you disqualify yourself from having any wisdom. And what America needs, in a leader, is wisdom. Not just money. Or persona.
I know there are Christians who struggle with this issue of life because of their own past. But, please remember that Jesus died for ALL your sins. And He wants you to use wisdom to help others see further down the road than you did. Just because you made poor decisions in your life shouldn’t stop you. Share God’s wisdom with others who might be struggling with the same decisions you once faced.
And remember this…God wants you to stand up for His Truth.
He’s much more concerned about the souls of men and women than who elections. Elections, presidents, and even countries and nations will pass away. But God’s word will never pass away. And He says it’s never right, for any reason, to shed innocent blood. So, as you head to the polls this year, think about this. Never compromise when it comes to innocent babies. And do throw your vote away on someone who will.
All eyes are gonna look up.
All knees are gonna bow,
And when that time comes it’s too late.
You gotta take a stand right now.
Stay tuned,
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