Trivium. No, it’s not a new antidepressant. At least not yet anyway. The word, Trivium, is Latin for “the place where three roads meet.” And it’s also what they call the three stages of classical homeschooling. The Grammar Stage. The Dialectic Stage. And the Rhetoric Stage.
And keep in mind, these three roads meet in a homeschool.
It’s not likely you’d ever even hear the words trivium, dialectic, and rhetoric in a government indoctrination camp (aka: public school). Because those words just ain’t cool. And when I say “cool,” I mean, how you gonna sound cool if you cain’t be you?
Here’s an example of how you be you:
“Yo dawg, whats crack-a-lackin’?”
That means, “What happened while I was away?”
And here’s another example that’s maybe a little easier to figure out:
“Kick it off to me one time.”
Roughly translated that means, “Could you explain it to me once more?”
That kind of language tends to thrive where three roads meet in the urban ‘hood. Or in the “camp” I mentioned earlier. And it definitely doesn’t focus on absorbing information. Or memorizing the rules of phonics, spelling, grammar, foreign language, history, science, and math.
But those areas are just the Grammar stage of classical homeschooling.
After that students learn logical discussion, debate, drawing correct conclusions, algebra, and thesis writing. And they learn to figure out “the why” behind the information in the Dialectic Stage.
Then, they advance into the Rhetoric Stage. And that’s a deeper dive into developing their ability to use clear and persuasive language and logic.
I saw a more basic description of the three stages. Essentially students learn to input, process, and output data confidently.
Compare that with the touchy feely “public schools” methods and the winner is crystal clear.
And the reason I brought this up is because a lot of people (who were indoctrinated in those camps) like to make fun of homeschoolers. Because they think it’s some mommy teaching her daughter to bake cupcakes. Or some daddy teaching his son to start a fire.
*Slightly side note: good moms and dads DO teach their kids those skills. But that’s in addition to the three stages of The Trivium.
So, here’s why homeschooling is so demonized.
Because it produces critical thinkers. People who aren’t so easy to mentally manipulate with misleading messages.
I’ve known a lot of homeschooled kids. And almost without exception they’ve been the brightest, most articulate kids I’ve ever known. Can you guess why that could be?
Because they’ve been educated by the people who LOVE them.
Your government does NOT love kids. Quite the opposite, in fact. I mean, c’mon. Your government shows you how much it hates you. Every. Single. Day. In just about Every. Single. Way. And if it hates you enough to do what it does to you, why would it be any different with kids they can control even more easily?
But here’s something to consider. Government isn’t a living entity. It’s made up of human beings. But it isn’t, in and of itself, a being to serve. Certainly not when it declines into rebellion against God.
Wow! I went from The Trivium to The Trinity. Makes sense though. Because the three roads (and eventually ALL roads) meet there.
And that’ll be the most awesomest (got that word from the Rhetoric Stage) meet and greet ever.
I got songs married to my mind,
And I got art no one else can see.
I got roads just waiting to be driven down.
And I got a Truth that sets me free.
(from my song “Kinetic Love”)
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