Hey fathead. Yeah, YOU! Don’t get mad. I’m just tellin’ it like it is. Because essentially you’re a fathead. For that matter, so am I. So, were in this together. Of course, I’m talking about that think zone inside your head. Your brain. It’s made up of about 60% fat.
How can you even function with such a sludge-filled think zone?
I mean, how could thoughts move around in all that fat? Yeah, the average adult brain weighs about three pounds. That means about 1.8 pounds are fat. In your head. So, see? I wasn’t fat-shaming you when I called you fathead. I was just stating the scientific fact. And you gotta trust the science, right?
According to those who’ve chopped up brains to find out, the remaining 40% of your brain is “a combination of water, protein, carbohydrates, and salts.” (side note: That quote left out the Oxford comma after carbohydrates, but I added it for your protection. You’re welcome.)
Your brain’s not a muscle (even though it needs a daily workout). But it IS quite an intricate design filled with blood vessels and nerves and neurons and glial cells. And when you dive even deeper into your think zone, way down to the molecular level, you get to the fatty acids. They’re so essential to your brain’s integrity and ability to perform that just about everybody who talks about ‘em calls ‘em essential fatty acids.
Wow! Your head is full of fat and acid. It’s a wonder you can think at all.
But you can.
And you do. And here’s the actual reason I’m even talking about this. Certainly not because I’m a certified nutritionist. I don’t even play one on YouTube.
Nope. It’s because too many people believe everything happens for a reason. And that everything you do and think has already been planned and ordained by God.
He created brains. And He designed all those essential fatty acids that build vessels, nerves, and the rest. Everything you and I need for a functioning think zone. But God did NOT preload it with every thought you’d ever think. And here’s proof He’s the ultimate (infinitely wise) risk taker. He gave you the ability to think for yourself.
I know. In most of today’s Christian circles that’s almost anathema (which isn’t a respiratory problem, btw). But consider this, because you CAN consider it. Your infinitely brilliant Creator wouldn’t build a fence He’d have to hold up. Surely that makes sense. So, why in the world would He create human beings that way?
Short answer?
He wouldn’t. He didn’t. And He doesn’t.
That means you and I are free to use our fatheads on our own. We can fill our think zones with whatever we prefer. And that’s why this world is SO messed up. Because most people fill their brains with hogwash (and that’s not even remotely related to bacon) and hate.
Only a fraction of humans chooses the road less traveled that leads to a narrow gate that leads to Heaven. The rest use their heads for a hat rack.
I know that’s not you. But maybe you know somebody who fits that description. If so, tell ‘em pump up their brains with some grass fed beef (and other good sources of essential fatty acids) and clear the crud out of their think zones. Because people love that kind of advice.
Or not.
Your think zone is all your own,
And God lets you decide
If you will use your own will
To choose what He supplied.
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