The number 9 took on a whole new value for me this morning. Hopefully you’ll find this so fascinating you’ll say, “Wow, Tony. It’s amazing how well you entertain us with your knowledge of insignificant and trivial things.”
Well, hopefully the number 9 will keep you in that state of awe.
Did you know, for example, that the number 9 always retains its identity? This is uncanny. It’s almost unbelievable. In fact, it puts the un in Funderburk. That’s how undeniably amazing it is. What’s that you say? What do I even mean? And why don’t I show you what I mean? OK, how’s about this?
You can multiply the number 9 by any number. And eventually it reduces back to its numerical value. Try 9×2. That equals 18. Then you add 1 + 8 and you get 9. 9×3 equals 27. And (you already see it) 2 + 7 equals 9. So, in numerology, this quality symbolizes power, strength, and stability.
Not impressed yet?
How ’bout this?
I’m an open Theist. A friend of mine, who was also an open Theist pastor, used to say “God can create a new butterfly if He wants. And He could write a new song if He so desired.” And I couldn’t agree more. But I’ll go one more step. I believe God, the Son, IS the ultimate New Song.
He was crucified and died at hour 9 of that day, or 3 p.m., to make the way of salvation open to everyone. And that was a new Way never before available to everyone.
Plus, that new Way provided what we know as the “fruit of the Spirit.” And there are nine of them: faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, joy, kindness, long suffering, love, peace, and self-control. When Paul wrote about them, it was something new. Attributes the long, long years of the law hadn’t produced:
You might say, a new song in your heart. Well, you might not say that. But I certainly will.
Here’s another factoid I luv. Jesus made live appearances 9 different times after He resurrected from the dead. Once to Mary Magdalene. Once to two men traveling to Emmaus. Then once to a group of 500 believers and his half-brother James. And then, He showed himself five other times to different apostles.
OK, here’s something that’s really gonna gitcha. At least if you have a soul.
I just discovered that “The phrase, new song, occurs nine times in Scripture. Six times in the Psalms. Once in Isaiah. And twice in Revelation. In every instance, the reference is to a song of praise addressed to God, usually because of his salvation of people.”
So, here’s how I see it. When you sing a “new song” to THE New Song, you take music to a whole ‘nother level. And that’s like pouring Living Water on all those fruits of the Spirit. And that, my friend, is powerful (like the number 9) with a capital POW.
That kind of info inspired me to write lyrics like this:
I’m gonna leave my cares and troubles far behind
I’m gonna live this brand new life that I’ve designed?
And I’m gonna love discovering which way to go.
I’m gonna laugh and then say yes instead of no.
Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my books and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy. Then, I’ll do my best to encourage you to sing a new song with the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned,