The mutants are coming. No wait…they’re already here!
Imagine, if you will (and you must), a tiny speck of dust. We’ll call it dust for the sake of creating a word picture. Now that little speck of dust is just floating around in…uh, let’s call it space. Or is it a non-dimensional vacuum? Either way…this little speck of dust is floating around and begins to feel its oats…so to speak.
You see…this little speck of dust is actually a compressed version of all the matter that is about to explode and cause a “universe” to come into existence. Now, stick with me ’cause this fairy tale has a happy ending.
After much internal combustion this little speck of dust actually explodes and a vast universe with possibly thousands or millions of galaxies unfolds into a glorious spectacle that mere human minds can only marvel at. (I ended with “at” on purpose)
Now, here’s where it gets good. In a little corner (figuratively speaking) of the universe a little system of swirling, whirling masses of molten goo begin to spin around one larger mass of molten goo. (we now call this our Solar System) One particular little mass of molten goo begins to form into something. Hmm…what is it? An orb of interesting colors and combination of delightful chemicals.
Suddenly something (we’ll call it lightning) sparks a little puddle of warm goo and lo and behold…the mutants are born, or hatched, or seeded, or regurgitated or something. Anyway, here’s the point.
The mutants are the beginning of life on this little orb of molten goo.
Yowser, this is exciting stuff Maynard. The mutants immediately get to work on figuring out how to mutate into something better…whatever “better” is…it doesn’t matter…they just know they have to do it.
So…to reduce billions of years into a couple of sentences…the mutants eventually develop internal and external organs, skeletons, fingernails, skin, teeth, eyes, ears, Wonder bread, chewing tobacco, murderous video games, rap music, and thieving forms of government.
And to this day, according to many scientists, the mutants are still hard at work inside each and every organism. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next. Can you?
Excuse me…
I have to remove this speck of dust from under my fingernail.
Stay tuned,
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