If you were God, and you could speak words to create the sun, moon, and stars, how many days do you think it would take you to create the whole universe? I don’t mean just the blueprint. Or mind mapping. Or sketches. Or even prototypes. I mean the whole universe and every kind of living thing in it. How long do you think it would take? Well, this next point might sound like crazy talk to most, but the actual living God (found in the Bible) took six days. And, at the risk of sounding even crazier, I’m gonna say those first six days were all He needed to make it perfect. Six literal days.
Yes, the first six days were six literal days.
You know…where the daytime and the nighttime equal about 24 hours? Six of those kind of days. Not “six ages”. Not “six periods of time”. Six days. Why is this so hard to imagine? This is God we’re talking about here. Maybe evolution needs millions of years, but God doesn’t.
Isn’t it much more exciting to know God created you with love and a purpose than to think you’re just an accident destined to vaporize?
I hope you already realize the hope that a relationship with your Creator can and will bring you. And if you have kids, they NEED to know the truth. And the truth is, “in the beginning (the very first six days) God created the heavens and the earth.”
Yes, it’s true that what I’m saying requires faith in something (or someone) I can’t see. But evolution requires faith. And I believe it requires a blind faith. After all, when you talk about something coming from nothing, and you make up numbers like millions and billions of years…you can’t provide evidence. No empirical evidence whatsoever.
Other guesswork and theories are a futile attempt to explain away God.
That’s sad. And it’s even sadder that so many kids will never get to know their living, loving Creator because they’ll latch onto the silliness of fools.
If you’d like to get to know your Creator, it’s as easy as asking Him to help you. God is as close to you as you’ll allow Him to be. He can be closer than the very air you breathe. You simply need to ask Him in. If and when you do, don’t be surprised when you begin to experience hope. Hope like you never truly had before. And don’t be surprised when you find yourself wanting to pass that hope along. You know…pay it forward.
That’s what I hoped to do when I wrote and illustrated my children’s book called “The Very First 6 Days“. (See the book cover at the top of this article) I put the six days of creation into poems. In the book, each day has its own poem, and they all go together. The rhythm and the rhyme flow the same way through the whole book.
Get it and read it to your kids. See how much of it they can memorize. It’s fun, and they’ll begin to get a sense of how much God loves them. When you give them the message in this book, you give them hope. And this is important…your kids need to know the truth about the first six days.
Here’s an excerpt from the book. This is…
The Very First Day
Before there were created things, and darkness filled the air…
No world or human beings were existing anywhere.
Then God created earth and sea and all the heavens too.
There was no sun, no moon, no stars, and only God shone through.
He looked down at the waters and the dark face of the deep.
The earth was still and quiet just as we are when we sleep.
He said, “Let there be light” the way a perfect, true God could,
And then He saw the brand new light and knew that it was good.
Then God divided light and dark, and darkness He called Night.
The light would be called Day, and it was pleasing in His sight.
That evening and that morning wouldn’t be the total sum…
No, that was just the very first day…five were yet to come.
Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. When you do, I’ll send you links to 2 songs and 2 books that adults AND kids enjoy right away. Then, I’ll send you flashes of light from the faith, hope, and the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned,