What if you were the first person on Earth that God ever created? First thing is, you’d be a man. Because God created a man, first. But then, what if He brought you a lot of animals and birds and asked you to name them? Can you even imagine what you might say?
Remember, you’d be the first person on Earth.
And you just arrived. And you wouldn’t even know what all the animals and birds could do. Much less know what to name them. Sounds more like a job for God. Right? Not the first person on Earth.
So, what would YOU do?
My guess (which isn’t a guess at all) is that you’d name all the animals and birds. And I bet you’d have a blast doing it. Because that’s EXACTLY what the first person on Earth, Adam, did. When God brought Adam all the animals and birds He created, to “see what he would call them,” Adam named them.
And I believe it pleased God, as any loving father would be pleased, to see what Adam could do. God made Adam in His image and likeness. So, that meant He also gave Adam a perfect brain, and He enjoyed watching him use it.
It wouldn’t make any sense at all for God to plan everything Adam could and would do. Because, then why would He need to put animals and birds in front of Adam to “see what he would call them?” If God had already planned it all, He’d already KNOW what Adam would call them.
So, God didn’t know, ahead of time, what Adam would come up with. But I bet He was a proud Father.
And I bet He still loves to see what you and I come up with.
Because I’m sure He loves wonderful surprises, too. And if He already knew everything we’ll do, what a boring, predictable eternity He’d have to sit through.
Thankfully, the living, loving Creator of the universe DID make a plan to save us from ourselves. And He made Himself accessible to anyone who’s willing to take responsibility for his or her own actions. To anyone with enough humility to ask Him for help and wisdom.
The Power of His love created you.
And the sovereignty of His life can sustain you forever.
But He didn’t build you to be a robot or mindless machine to do His bidding.
Nope. He made you so you know you exist. And you can choose to love or even hate. He even gives you the choice of eternal life or death. He said, and I highly recommend you choose Life. Make love be…
The Last Word
Keep a bolt of lightning in your brain
And a jar of honey in your heart.
Let love be the last word from your lips
Whether you’re together or apart.
Lightning is your passion over pain.
Honey is your holy hope within.
Send those feelings through your fingertips
And remember, always let love win. © 2020
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