What Should A Singer Songwriter Do Before The End Of The World?
First things first. When is the end of the world?
Well…I don’t think the end will happen for at least about 1007 years. But I’ve decided to line up some ambitious goals for 2012, and I hope to accomplish them even if my estimates are wrong.
I won’t say what they are specifically, yet, but they include a bunch more songs, some books, more live music performances, and something I’ll call TonyFun 7.0 (hey…nobody’s a 10)
So, my recommendation is that you sign up for my emails (look for the guy holding the sign on the side) because you’ll be among the first to get 3 free songs and know about live shows, schedules, and more. Now…I gotta get back to work on this crummy TonyFun software.
The End
I made friends with silent eagles
Traveled worlds and worlds of sky
Conquered continents of knowledge
Speaking only with my eyes
I have seen the tides of freedom
Swept onto the shores of man
I have seen the storm of greed
Take it all away again
But the eagles always flew with me
We had safety and security
And our lives were filled with purity
There was nothing but our love to see
Now the world is as it first began
Free of guilt and greed and free of man
But I travel with my eagle friends
Living for awhile in this the end
© 1977 Tony Funderburk