The End
It’s kinda funny to start out a blog post with the words “the end”, huh?
This story takes place in the year and half after I graduated high school in Texas. Immediately after the pomp and circumstance was over I headed up to Kansas where my mom and step-dad lived. And I got a job in a small, local lumber yard. There were two owners and 3 guys who did all the labor. And they had it all worked out that one owner and the other two guys would take their lunch hour first. The other owner and I would take the second lunch hour.
During our lunch hour there usually wasn’t much business. So, most of the time we’d listen to Paul Harvey on the little one speaker radio on the desk. I really enjoyed that. Paul Harvey had a way of delivering the news of the day that even the best talk show hosts of today can’t touch. And I still remember the end of each of shows. He’d simply say (with a noticeable smile in his voice) “Paul Harvey……good day.”
One day he talked about eagles and their importance in the fabric of American culture. He was lamenting the fact that our country was losing the moral fiber that held the fabric together. And as he shared a story about eagles, word pictures floated like puffs of colorful smoke in my mind. I found a sheet of lumber yard note paper and quickly jotted down a poem I called “The End”.
Unfortunately our culture never made a comeback, and I daresay Mr. Harvey would be saddened by how the moral fabric of America is even more worn and frazzled. So, my poem seems even more withdrawn. At any rate…here it is…
Stay tuned,
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