Is there any way you can know you actually have the breath of life from God in you? Well…check out the first few chapters in Genesis that talk about how God created the whole world and everything in it. Maybe you’ve read this account but possibly missed the nuance between humans and every other living thing. It’s a subtle yet huge difference.
I’ve been going through the Genesis account of the six days of creation for a writing project I’m doing, and for some reason this “breath of life” thing dawned on me this morning.
I noticed how God created the Earth, separated the water from dry land, put “lights” into the heavens, and blessed the ground with all the plants that could reproduce “according to its kind”. Then He created all the land, sea, and air creatures and gave them the ability to reproduce “according to its kind”. And lastly He created Man. But here’s the difference between Man and all the rest of the creatures and creation…the Bible says “And then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”. He didn’t do that to any other creature.
Only humans received life directly from God’s life. His very essence entered into us and us alone. And only humans were made in the “image and likeness of God”. No other creatures.
We’re unique. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re just another animal on the planet. You’re not.
If you’re unsure if you have the breath of life from God in you, do this.
just look in the mirror. Do you see a human being? Then you have it.
However…if you’ve never made the decision to trust God and trust that His Son, Jesus, died for your sins, then that breath of life will exhale from you forever when you breathe your last breath here on Earth.
Are you gonna let that happen? It’s a complicated problem with a simple answer. Either the God and Savior of the Bible is real or He isn’t. Either you can prove He doesn’t exist, or you can’t. When I considered the mountain of evidence FOR the existence of Jesus, I chose to trust Him. I chose life.
Will you choose life? Or will you let torment choose you? While there is still the breath of life in you, it’s not too late to choose.
Stay tuned,
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