Have yourself a mighty safe and Happy Thanksgiving 2021. Here’s a list of what I was thankful for a few years back.
And it still applies for Thanksgiving 2021
I’m thankful…
- That God saw fit to give me life and to make a way for me to have it forever.
- For a wife who loves me and encourages my artistic endeavors.
- For our health…it’s not perfect, but it’s far from as bad as it could be.
- And happy for words and music…God’s sweetest personal gifts to me.
- For a beautiful place to live, Colorado, where there’s more sunshine than gloominess.
- For the technology that allows me to quickly and readily share my thoughts with anyone interested.
- We have a country still free enough for me to voice an opinion that differs from the masses…and not be killed for it.
- For the support of thousands of people who’ve bought and shared my songs through the years.
- For the opportunities to continue to grow, be inspired, and connect.
It’s so weird to watch or hear programs where people talk about what they’re thankful for even though they don’t know who they’re thankful to. Or the ones who seem to be thankful to each other. Or “the universe.”
There’s only one reason you’re here. Only one reason I’m here. And only one reason anyone else is here, was here, or ever will be here. And that one reason is the one, true, living, loving Creator of the universe and all life.
Yeah, that’s right. God. And I’m thankful to Him for giving me so much more than I deserve.
May God’s manifold blessings flow down on you like gentle raindrops
Stay tuned,
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Grab yourself an un-cool T-shirt
Or how about some music for kids