The tax system in the USA will eventually destroy the country.
I’ve said it before. And I’ll admit it again. I’m a procrastinator. At least when it comes to giving up money to a system that has a metaphorical gun to my head (and I wouldn’t be surprised if and when it’s a real gun).
I always put off the whole tax filing thing to the last minute. Because I love spending hours and hours finding and adding up receipts, gathering digital info along with paperwork, and filling in all those blanks. So, when I put it off to the last minute, I can concentrate all that fun into one big, highly productive day.
It’s a thing of beauty. And a joy forever.
And I just love all the stupid (oops, I mean stupendous), ever-changing tax laws. Because it warms the cockles of my heart to know the government will have all that extra money to spend on things we all need, want, and desire.
Yep, the tax system in the USA is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
And since people are “basically good,” that just means the tax system is a natural extension of that goodness.
Who cares if 5% your income would cover ALL necessary expenses to run the government. This is America, by golly. And we deserve MORE. Not just safe, beautiful bridges, smooth roads, and a strong defense against all enemies. And not just more time for creative endeavors and innovations.
I’m talkin’ MORE highly trained professionals. Yeah, we need those.
But if you’re gonna have more highly trained professionals, it’s gonna cost. Because highly trained IRS agents, tax law specialists, and FBI guys who can sniff out criminals who run pillow companies don’t come cheap. So, we gotta pony up.
Fortunately we do.
And thank goodness (or politicians) we had the noble Robin Hood blueprint to follow. Take from those (suckers) who work hard to produce wealth. And give to those who don’t or won’t (oops, I mean can’t).
Doesn’t matter that if a private citizen did that, it could only be called stealing. Because this is the government we’re talkin’ about. The Disneyland of distribution. The wonderful world of the tax system in the USA.
I’ve heard some silly talk show hosts say stuff like, “No country, government, or empire ever taxed itself INTO prosperity.” That’s just knucklehead economics. Who cares if we’re taxed into oblivion? Because, if it feels good, then it must be right.
Stay tuned,
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