Here’s the cold, hard truth. You have no choice. You MUST believe in the God described in the Bible. No other option is available, viable, or reliable. So, give up. And give in. Resistance is futile. Oh wait. That’s The … Read the rest
Tag Archives: you still have a choice
Ok, all seriousness aside. My brain thinks in rhymes. Not 24 hours a day. But certainly every day. My wife will tell you about (or rather ask you to save her from) my daily rhymes. She’s been with me over … Read the rest
I’m able to change my mind. And you read that and probably think something like, “Wow. That’s so deep, Tony.” But it IS deep. Because it means I’m not a robot. There’s no one pushing buttons making me do what … Read the rest
Love Restored My Soul
Since I was 13 I’ve never really felt alone. That was the age I was when my Grandmother told me for the umpteenth time that Jesus was waiting to come into my heart if I’d just let Him. This time … Read the rest