They’re not scary when you use even a little of the wisdom and discernment your Creator is willing to give you. I’m talking about health headlines. But if you read them without wisdom and discernment, as if they’re actually full-blown … Read the rest
Tag Archives: wisdom and knowledge
I see it almost every day in so-called “conservative social media.” And I cringe every time I see it. Talk about the so-called “Second Amendment Rights” of every American citizen. I obviously don’t disagree with the right to life and … Read the rest
I know you’ve been there done this. Try to sit still and feign interest while the person across from you seems to ramble on and on into the apocalyptic future. And you wonder if you locked the door at home. … Read the rest
I know that you know that words can be deceiving. When I was a kid, we had a rhyme to thwart something somebody might say about us. It went like this: “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words … Read the rest
You probably haven’t noticed. But a lot of people sure have a lot of opinions. And they sure don’t mind sharing them with you. Even when you didn’t ask or request. And I wish most of them would shut up … Read the rest
While I was doing some work this morning, online, I discovered some great nuggets of Hillbilly wisdom. At first I was gonna share which ones were my favorites. But, heck, I like ’em all. And the picture that went along … Read the rest
I just saw three weak references to time by Christians. And all three of them talked about when time shall be no more. Sadly, those Christians are perpetuating an impossibility. Because there will never be a time when there is … Read the rest
Older and wiser. They should go together like sourdough bread and grass fed butter. But they don’t always. Especially in town of Ignoraville, on Mount Wealthscape, in the land of Rebelaphant. Sadly, most of the residents of Rebelephant aren’t older … Read the rest
When I was somewhere around 5 years old, I went on a long walk with my Grandmother. And we left her house totally out of sight as we journeyed to the grocery store. In my mind it was easily a … Read the rest
Dazed and confused. You could use that phrase to describe somebody who just survived a car crash. Or maybe somebody who’s just lost a loved one. And you could even use it to describe most people who get their information … Read the rest
OK, let’s be positive and assume the worst That sounds like a good plan. Right? “Uh, no, Tony. It sounds negative. Not positive. And why would anybody automatically assume the worst?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Because I’m gonna toss … Read the rest
Have you noticed how fears mount? Especially nowadays with so many more media sources. I was just making my usual trip through a couple of my news apps. And I already saw multiple headlines or subheads that included something like, … Read the rest