What do you believe God couldn’t or wouldn’t help you through? Of course, I mean things that don’t go against His nature and word. Do you think financial problems are out of the question? Family squabbles? Job pressures? With all … Read the rest
Tag Archives: what you believe
Your eternal fate all comes down to your answer to one question. Who do you believe in? Do you believe in yourself? Or buddha, confucius, or the universe? There’s a mountain of evidence against them being good choices. Of course, … Read the rest
They happen to the rich and poor, the beautiful and ugly. And to the short and tall, the fat and thin. Even the old AND young. I’m talking about issues of the day. Trouble is, most of America prefers to … Read the rest
Sure, it sounds harsh to say out loud. But God is not all about forgiveness. So, if you’re a Christian who says that, stop. Because you give unbelievers a false sense of security. And you parrot the hypocritical words of … Read the rest
“God is in control.” And “God’s got this.” Or how about, “Just gotta remember it’s all part of God’s plan, so wait for His perfect timing.” If you’ve been saying any of those things…or anything that sounds like them, then … Read the rest
I remember, when I graduated high school, how quickly the “real world” loomed on the horizon. You know what I’m talking about. Figuring out what to do so the parents don’t have to support you anymore. And, for me, college … Read the rest
“There is no God” Says the fool. Only a fool could or would dare to make the claim that there is no God. Because it’s a self-refuting assertion. In order to say it so absolutely, you’d have to know everything … Read the rest
Global warming sure beats freezing to death If you pay attention to what scientists say, instead of politicians and activists, you’ll discover that global warming is pseudoscience. And I’m not talking about scientists who do government sponsored experiments on lab … Read the rest
How do you direct your hearts? Look at this line a guy named Paul wrote to some people living in Thessalonica, Greece…sometime in about the 1st century A.D. He said, “Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love … Read the rest
Depending on what you believe, or what you were taught, or what part of the world you come from most think either Sunday or Monday is the first day of the week. I’m OK with either one being the first … Read the rest