I wrote a song about freedom. And it was a very me biased perspective. You probably can’t or won’t relate to the words at all when you read ’em. The main reason is, well, you’re not me. And that’s a … Read the rest
Tag Archives: what freedom means
I’ll let you know, up front, what I’m sharing with you today is based on what I said over ten years ago. And something I’ve talked about for most of my life. It’s about how you should take some time … Read the rest
Years before Mel Gibson made a movie about it (Braveheart) I wrote a song about my freedom quest. To be clear, there were no swords, cannons, or lives lost in my quest. But it was just as important to me … Read the rest
I hope you get to enjoy an awesome fireworks display, this Independence Day 2023, wherever you live. And I hope you also enjoy the company of family and friends and good food and great fun. And I hope you’ll take … Read the rest
If we could just change the heart of one gun, wouldn’t a total assault rifle ban be worth it? And, NO, that sentence doesn’t NOT contain a missing word typo. Yeah, an assault rifle ban is definitely the cure for … Read the rest
You know what I’d like to see? Everybody has to work for free and everything is free. Wouldn’t that solve a lot of problems? Or maybe all of them? Or should it be just the goofy singer songwriters and other artists … Read the rest
Ten years ago I wrote about how I took some time to read the Declaration of Independence. And I recommended all Americans do that from time to time. Because free people, throughout history, almost always forget how those freedoms came … Read the rest
I remember studying America’s founding documents when I was in school way back in the twentieth century. And I remember something called the “Bill of Rights.” It must’ve been a big deal. Because teachers and politicians always talked about the … Read the rest
Kiss babies. Shake hands. And eat at mom and pop restaurants that exude Americana. OK, what do those statements make you think of? Bam! That’s right. Politicians. And let’s not leave out all that talk they do about division and … Read the rest
Well, here it is. The last day of 2020. And it has been one of the strangest, and certainly the stupidest year in my life. And that’s saying something, considering the decades I’ve accumulated. I wish I could say it … Read the rest
Freedom from oppression? Uh, no. What do China and Leavenworth federal penitentiary have in common? Answer”most everyone in each place would like to get out. Well, that’s probably true about China. But Leavenworth? Hmm…I’m not so sure the inmates feel the need … Read the rest
Freedom or security? That’s the wrong question Lately I’ve been seeing that old freedom or security question and issue popping up. And it still makes me sad for America that so many people think that’s an either/or question. Because the … Read the rest