This world is getting darker and meaner every day. And there are fewer kids doing wholesome kid stuff with each passing year. But I think you’ll find that the sights and scents of a flower garden can still attract kids … Read the rest
Tag Archives: smell the flowers
If I talked to carnations, or lilacs, or even lilies of the valley (and I don’t, in spite of what you might’ve heard), I’d probably say something clever like, “You must’ve been scent from above.” And that’s because there’s nothing … Read the rest
There’s nothing like roses to remember what’s important. And what’s important? Truly important. Everlastingly important. I’ll give you a hint in this link. It’s the last word in the sentence. I’ve mentioned, before, how I was a singer songwriter in … Read the rest
I’ve mentioned before how I spent summers in Kansas after my parents split up. And I’ve shared how I worked hard, long hours bucking bales of hay. But my recent trip there, for my Mom’s memorial, reminded me how Kansas … Read the rest
Quite a few years ago, Elgielene got into essential oils. And when I say “got into,” I mean learning about them, using them, and even reselling them. She bought them for the aromas, the topical benefits, and even for taking … Read the rest
What happens when the process seems out of order? It might be self-evident to those of you who regularly join me here…and on my FunderCast. But there are many educated scientists who aren’t sure what to make of fossils when … Read the rest
If you’re out and about with kids, and they spot something in a colorful garden, and they want to stop and smell the flowers, you’ve just been blessed with a beautiful opportunity to talk to them about their Creator. And … Read the rest