She just wanted to grab a few things at the grocery store. But after she paid for the groceries, she went out the store’s front door and was hit in the face with a gust of wind filled with snow. … Read the rest
Tag Archives: road stories
I wrote a song about freedom. And it was a very me biased perspective. You probably can’t or won’t relate to the words at all when you read ’em. The main reason is, well, you’re not me. And that’s a … Read the rest
Have you heard any of those marketers who talk about working on your laptop on a beach? Of course, that’s just so much hype and silliness. I’m not saying it can’t be done. But most hard-working entrepreneurs don’t live that … Read the rest
He built a small log cabin on the bank of a small creek, in Kansas, in the early 1830s. Then, the U.S. government built some other lodges in the area. And one of those lodges was for Tonganoxie. But who … Read the rest
It was a cold day in February. I was “on the road.” And, believe it or not, bad things were going on in the world. Yeah, I know. With all the world peace we enjoy these days, that’s difficult to … Read the rest
In 1975 I worked a short stint in a bar that featured disco music (aka: discotheque). Yes, I did. Don’t go hatin’ on me. Remember, the Bee Gees song “Stayin’ Alive” was part of that era in music. And you … Read the rest
Tucson, Arizona. Central New Mexico. Music. Moonlight. Dan Fogelberg. Storytelling. All parts of “the road” from a long time ago. And, early this morning, I thought about an incredible, singular experience I had during a full moon drive. Strangely enough, … Read the rest
Of course, most of that influencer stuff is hype and silliness. Sure, it can definitely be done. But most hard-working business owners and entrepreneurs don’t live that life. Because they’re too busy serving the needs of their customers and clients.
But I said all that so I could say this…
Read the restIt would be a bit of a stretch to say I can see very well. At least, without my glasses, it would be a stretch. And even though I’m more vision-challenged now than when I was younger, my eyesight was … Read the rest
Elgielene and I had been married for less than a year. And each day was an exploration into love, joy, and laughter. But then a routine-changing glitch happened. The economy bottomed out. And we discovered what we had been doing … Read the rest
Several years ago I shared a short story of the less-than-glamorous side of life on the road. It was something that happened way back in the early 90’s. And you could either say it’s proof “God has a plan” or … Read the rest
About nine years ago, I shared a story about some people in a place at the end of a 24 hour drive. And this kind of subject came up yesterday. And somebody said I should share the story again. Here … Read the rest