Ok, all seriousness aside. My brain thinks in rhymes. Not 24 hours a day. But certainly every day. My wife will tell you about (or rather ask you to save her from) my daily rhymes. She’s been with me over … Read the rest
Tag Archives: rhyme and reason podcast
It’s summer time. And no doubt you’ve been in the garden yourself, or you know someone who has. Or you’ve been to someplace to get some of the good stuff that comes out of a garden. Right? And I can … Read the rest
Here’s a tough one, even for Christians. God is not currently in charge of this world. And again, Jesus tells us that. Three times! He WILL rule this world one day. But He currently does NOT rule. And the evidence … Read the rest
It’s mostly just social media noise. And not actual conversation. Oh sure, I suppose if you grew up in a home where everyone yelled at each other at the same time, and called it conversation, social media seems just fine … Read the rest
It was fifteen years ago, next month, that some friends of mine attempted to put together and display the largest protest sign ever. The event took place in Golden, Colorado (near Denver) to send a message to the Democratic National … Read the rest
Time travel is real. Before I explain that assertion, I’ll say this. And I’ve said it before, and maybe I’ll say it again sometime. I’ve enjoyed a wide variety of time-travel themed movies and other shows. Because it’s fun to … Read the rest
Update: The CD version of Do Right is currently unavailable. But you can still get the digital download at this link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ZX3MBTG37Q9WA Do you know a kid with a vivid imagination? That’s kind of a loaded question. Because basically ALL … Read the rest
Most every young person has them. Well, I say that as someone who was once a young person who had them. But when I was a young person, the world didn’t seem nearly as hopeless. So, it wasn’t difficult to … Read the rest
With all the randomness in the universe, and our cute, little solar system, it’s a wonder that we can predict the moon phases with such accuracy. But we’re so good at it (and by “we” I mean earthlings) that we … Read the rest
Poodle skirts. Roller skates. Hula hoops. What do they have in common? They were each the latest craze, at some point, back in the 1950’s. Then, you had The Twist, The Pony, and even the Monster Mash. Those were the … Read the rest
Imagination can be an awesome and powerful force. But it can be used for good OR evil. So, it can also be a hypocritical and destructive force. You can imagine yourself flying, on your own power, over the clouds and … Read the rest
I know you’ve been there done this. Try to sit still and feign interest while the person across from you seems to ramble on and on into the apocalyptic future. And you wonder if you locked the door at home. … Read the rest