Admonish one another Look up admonish in the dictionary, and you might come to the conclusion it’s something harsh. For example, here’s how one dictionary defines it: “warn or reprimand someone firmly…warn (someone) of something to be avoided: he admonished … Read the rest
Tag Archives: rhyme and reason podcast
Resurrection Day 2019 This episode of Rhyme and Reason is based on something I wrote back in 2017. And subscribers to the podcast will hear my Resurrection Day song called “The Way”. I’m including the lyrics below. In the recording … Read the rest
Did you know the beautiful rings of Saturn are debris? You’ve heard that old expression, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, right? Well, how about one planet’s debris is another planet’s beautiful scenery? That’s exactly what happens when we … Read the rest
What’s a day without sunshine? Of course, the comedic answer is…night. Or maybe you remember how the Florida Citrus Commission used to say “a day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine”Either way, can you imagine a day … Read the rest
Living technology – Yeah, it’s a real thing! For the past week or two, each morning when I’m waking up with my first cups of coffee, I’ve been watching hummingbirds outside the front windows. They’re one of the smallest, yet … Read the rest
What do invisible attributes have to do with God’s wrath? How can you see something invisible ? I mean, after all, it’s invisible. Right? So, what in the world did the apostle Paul mean when he said God’s “invisible attributes … Read the rest
What was the highest price ever paid for anything? It wasn’t that nearly billion dollar airplane or that $4.5 billion luxury yacht. And it wasn’t even that $15 billion building in Saudi Arabia. None of those even come close to … Read the rest
Drawn to You – the story behind the song In late 1986 I wrote the lyrics to a song about a girl I hoped to meet. I called it “Drawn to You”. After working and reworking the music a few … Read the rest
Hey Christians – Are you admonishing one another? And not only that, but are you doing it with a song? A little while back I wrote about how singing with grace in my heart is part of my “job description”. … Read the rest
Jeremiah Thomas – abolitionist, fighter, teenager As far as I can tell, Jeremiah Thomas is about 16 as I write and record this. During those few years, he has been a courageous voice for unborn children. He has understood that … Read the rest
Bugs and drugs – this ain’t gonna be pretty Yeah, you know when the headline mentions bugs and drugs, the story is gonna be a little creepy. And toss in some foul-mouthed thugs, and you’ve got a story only a … Read the rest
Envy and greed – evil twins out to get you When I think about envy and greed, I can’t help but remember a uniquely special man. He wasn’t envious or greedy. But those evil twins ultimately killed him. And the … Read the rest