Music Box Vacuum Cleaner Dancer At the age of 35, a young German guy named Gustave Brachhausen established the Regina Music Box Company in America. And he set up shop in the cultural center of the universe, New Jersey. No…really. … Read the rest
Tag Archives: rhyme and reason podcast
Can you believe we have a mask debate in America? I bet our ancestors and forefathers would not have imagined we’d ever have a mask debate right here in the land of the free and the home of brave. And … Read the rest
A place in the sun with hints of wisdom Elgielene and I enjoy watching old black and white movies. Because so many of them are entertaining without vulgarity and profanity. And because a lot of them have either happy endings … Read the rest
Disappointment and expectations It’s weird how often disappointment and expectations are connected to each other. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you (although I’m about to tell you) that it’s because people tend to base decisions on feelings. … Read the rest
Who can sing the immortality song? The Bee Gees wrote a version of it. And they sang background vocals when Celine Dion recorded it back in 1997. Pearl Jam also wrote and recorded their own Immortality song. And plenty of … Read the rest
Sing along songs for little buckaroos Way back in history…all the way back to the early 2000’s…there lived a seasoned songwriter. And he wrote whole collections of sing along songs for kids. Parents from far and near would buy those … Read the rest
Be careful…wishes might come true I talked about this about five years ago. But it’s still just as true as ever. You might be wishing for things to happen. Or not happen. And you might be wishing and hoping for … Read the rest
What are Timbuk Toys? It’s more like, who is Timbuk Toys? And it’s just a place where little kids can get just about any toy their little hearts desire. You know. A toy store. In the Denver, Colorado metro area. … Read the rest
Memories of the Windy Saddle I remember, almost eight years ago, Elgielene and I had lunch in a little downtown spot in Golden, Colorado. It was called the Windy Saddle Cafe. Small town atmosphere, fresh made food, and good coffee. … Read the rest
Every life is full of ups and downs I’ve mentioned, before, how I worked hard labor during my teenage summers. No, not in prison. How could you even think that? And I’m looking at YOU when I ask that. You … Read the rest
What good are dreams written down? Before I go any further, I’m not talking about your dreams for how you’d like your life to go. Of course, it’s a good idea to write those down. And, in fact, it’s just … Read the rest
Perks that works and this island is my land That’s an improper use of the word, “works”, just so I could make it rhyme better. So, sue me. And this episode of the FunderCast is a bit of a double … Read the rest