Horse songs tend to have catchy rhythms. I guess it’s because of the hoofbeats. *rimshot* Thanks folks. I’ll be here all week. Be sure to tip your bartender and waitresses. Yes, I said waitresses. Don’t git yer stirrups all tangled … Read the rest
Tag Archives: rhyme and reason podcast
Opinions count. Not all of them, of course. But the ones that are tantamount to truth…those count. And, sadly, there are fewer and fewer of those kinds. Because there’s an assault on truth the likes of which America has never … Read the rest
When I was somewhere around 5 years old, I went on a long walk with my Grandmother. And we left her house totally out of sight as we journeyed to the grocery store. In my mind it was easily a … Read the rest
It’s true. We Christians have a different perspective on life. So, we think different thoughts from the rest of the world. And that’s because we know ideas can have eternal consequences. So, we should think a different way. With a … Read the rest
Even in this ridiculous and weird time in history, dreams come true. Not all. But enough of them that it still counts when somebody says “if you work hard, you can still achieve your dreams.” But right now you might … Read the rest
I remember studying America’s founding documents when I was in school way back in the twentieth century. And I remember something called the “Bill of Rights.” It must’ve been a big deal. Because teachers and politicians always talked about the … Read the rest
Check out this list of synonyms. Publicity, advertising, promotion, marketing, puff, puffery, propaganda, exposure; boost, push, fanfare, buildup; informal plug, plugging, razzmatazz, and ballyhoo. And I shared them with you because they’re all synonymous with moronic politicians. Because they want you … Read the rest
I enjoy watching Ray Comfort, from Living Waters, talk to people he meets “on the street.” Because he has an easy-going way of disarming them in order to share God’s love. He lives in California. But he’s originally from Australia. … Read the rest
31 years ago, today, a beautiful, petite, slender, tan woman said one word that changed my life. Of course, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what that word was. But I’ll share it anyway. The word was “What?!” … Read the rest
We just watched an old Joel McCrea western last week. And that’s for one reason. Because there are no new Joel McCrea westerns. Joel moved on to that big ranch in the sky many moons ago. But that’s not actually … Read the rest
1938. It was a cold day in January. In rural Oklahoma. FDR was in the first year of his second term as president of the U.S. And a second daughter was born to a young couple named Lee and Syona. … Read the rest