Bob Dylan said it. So, it must be true right? He talked about how you gotta serve somebody. In fact, in one of his songs, he sang “you’re gonna have to serve somebody” quite a few times. So, he must … Read the rest
Tag Archives: rhyme and reason podcast
I read a post, from a friend in social media (thanks Allen) about famous last words from some famous atheists. And the despair in their words struck me in such a way I wanted to share some of them with … Read the rest
Eight years ago, today, I shared Episode 15 of my Podcast. Wow, 15. I’m now up to 739 episodes. (Side note: I’m way behind on recording episodes because my voice has been, shall we say, less than smooth. But the … Read the rest
“They” called him the “Chairman of the Board.” How he got the title depends on who you ask. But there’s no denying that Frank Sinatra liked being in charge. And I was never a fan even though he sang a … Read the rest
I spent a lot of my formative years in Texas. So, I still use (and always will use) some of those friendly southern, colloquial expressions in my everyday language. And many of those southern memories are some of my fondest … Read the rest
It’s 33 miles in a round trip. And I read where it’s apparently America’s only “urban byway.” And that means it’s a scenic byway (on the National Register) closer to an urban area (Denver) than any other anywhere. And since … Read the rest
🎶 People get ready. There’s a train a-coming. You don’t need no baggage. You just get on board. All you need is faith to hear the diesels humming. Don’t need no ticket. You just thank the Lord. 🎶 Yeah, those are lyrics to the old Curtis … Read the rest
Yes, God does have a plan. A MasterPlan. But He most definitely does not have a plan for your day. As I’ve said many times…He’s far too brilliant a designer than to create a bunch of humans who can’t do … Read the rest
Just in case you haven’t noticed, the world is full of mean people and bad stuff. Nations are at war…all the time. Political parties are in constant power struggles. Murder is consistently at epidemic levels. And man-made pandemics are all … Read the rest
Everybody’s trying to be nicer than God. Even real estate websites like to show off their “LGBT legal protections.” Which, of course, are bigoted policies. And I oppose any ideology that singles out individuals or groups who hate God and … Read the rest
They say ignorance is bliss. Who are they? And why do they say that? But never mind all that right now. There’s one way ignorance will be anything but bliss. Because you won’t be able to plead ignorance when you … Read the rest
Back in 2012, right here on TonyFunderburk dot com, I wrote about the longest daylight day of the year. Summer solstice. And I shared how it makes me ponder time. I also shared how so many people say something like, “Wow, time … Read the rest