Way, way back in time, Elgielene put some kinetic energy on my wrist. And that’s my poet brain way of saying she bought me a Seiko Kinetic watch. If you’ve never seen one or had one, check ’em out. They’re … Read the rest
Tag Archives: rhyme and reason podcast
The famous northern lights show up at high latitudes around the world. It’s especially to see them near the Arctic Circle, in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Norway. But they can also be seen as far south as northern Idaho. One … Read the rest
I’m suffering from depression. Right now. Exactly at the moment I’m typing these words. If you’ve followed my posts or podcast episodes, you might think I’d never be one of those people who deals with depression disorders. But here it … Read the rest
Nikola Tesla was a fascinating character. And he was a great example of how great ideas started out with dreams. Like, have you ever heard how he had a dream to harness the power of Niagara Falls? I’ve been to … Read the rest
Got some health challenges? Or other physical obstacles? How about emotional or relational problems? And let’s not forget your mental well-being. Have you discovered you’re not as young as you used to be? And wouldn’t you like to know why … Read the rest
I know that you know that words can be deceiving. When I was a kid, we had a rhyme to thwart something somebody might say about us. It went like this: “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words … Read the rest
Norwegian Wood, by the Beatles. Scarborough Fair, by Simon and Garfunkel. We Are The Champions, by Queen. And even She’s Always A Woman, by Billy Joel. Those songs all have something in common. Do you know what it is? Well, … Read the rest
They’re everywhere. In almost every household. Certainly in every politician’s office. And in the heads of most every kind of person there is. From young graduates to old tyrants. Big plans. For good. And not so good. And downright evil. … Read the rest
How about this expression? “The bad apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” You’ve heard that, right? Hmm, maybe that’s acorn. Or lemon. Doesn’t matter. The point’s the same. But there’s another expression, too. “One bad apple don’t spoil the … Read the rest
It’s a mean world. Every day you see and experience the cold, hard truth in this world. Whether you like it or not. And whether you prefer to think positive or be negative. Doesn’t matter if you’re a glass-is-half-full person … Read the rest
According to search engine “suggestions,” a very popular search term is “Kanye West net worth.” And sadly, for the hip-hop rapper, it’s way less than it was. Poor dude is only worth about $400 million now. But don’t worry. Because … Read the rest
It’s not a new cop show. Nope. The Grace and Glory I’m talkin’ about is found in the one story that makes ALL history possible. And this is true whether you believe in the God of the Bible or not. … Read the rest