It’s a weird and wicked world. And all the worldly dots are connected. And I arrived at this thought due to following along some of those dots just now. One leap led me to discover what a vitriolic sphere is. … Read the rest
Tag Archives: rhyme and reason podcast
You ALWAYS have a third choice. Despite what 99% of movies, TV shows, and songs would have you believe, you do. When you’re told you only have two choices, take a little time to think that through. Very often, the … Read the rest
The history of Play Dough (also known as Play Doh) is interesting. Because it actually started out as a product to help people clean the wallpaper in their homes. Wait. Play Dough cleaned walls? Huh? Yeah, a guy named Cleo … Read the rest
I’m gonna rant and rave. And, although I can’t speak for him (especially since he’s got other things on his mind besides music, these days) I think Buddy Holly would back me up on this. If you’ve never heard of … Read the rest
If you’re old enough to remember back to the 60’s, or maybe even 50’s, you know full well that life is short. Right? I mean, how could it already have been this many years since then? If your memory goes … Read the rest
I love how I can charge up my mobile devices and take them with me and use them for hours without even plugging in. Because it would be awful if I had to take a gas-powered generator with me everywhere. … Read the rest
Oh yeah. You better believe I’m gettin’ my fair share. And I don’t care how many rich people have to ante up till I get it. Because I’m an American. And I want my piece of the American dream. I … Read the rest
If I’m elected, I’ll do my best to restore whirled peas. And bring hominy to every household. Because, c’mon people. Can’t we all just get along? After all, we’re one race. So, that’s a great starting point. And speaking of … Read the rest
I worked in a disco. Yep. It’s true. I was a bartender. And I also worked as what they called a “floorwalker.” That was one of the guys who (you guess it) walked around the floor to make sure they … Read the rest
It’s the story of a lilypad, lake, a frog, and a snake. And it shows how what you think about yourself isn’t necessarily what anyone (or everyone) else thinks about you. This lilypad lake story starts out like this: So, … Read the rest
You can learn to fly. And it won’t cost you lots of money for oodles of hours of training. AND you’ll be able to fly up to the sky much faster than technology can take your text across the globe. … Read the rest
Dream Town. I remember playing a multi-timbral sound on my fairly new Korg Triton keyboard several years ago. And the ethereal setting immediately set my imagination in motion. It was one of those magical moments songwriters love almost as much … Read the rest