Let’s climb into my time travel ship and zoom way, way back to 1964. And let’s fly over the hilly countryside of Eastern Kansas. Look way down there. See those two little ants? Wait. Let’s fly down a little lower. … Read the rest
Tag Archives: nostalgic imagination
Imagination can be an awesome and powerful force. But it can be used for good OR evil. So, it can also be a hypocritical and destructive force. You can imagine yourself flying, on your own power, over the clouds and … Read the rest
For several years I wrote jingles for ads. And I wrote for all sorts of companies. If you lived in Colorado for any time during the past 20 years, and if you listened to radio, chances are you heard me … Read the rest
Did you ever watch The Waltons? Either when it was a new show or in reruns? Either way, do you remember how the kids would run out the front door and the screen door would smack shut? That’s because those … Read the rest
And he said, “I like your style. It always makes me smile.” Way back in 1989 there was a guy who was, shall we say, increasingly enamored with a certain girl. Trouble was, he lived about 1500 miles away from … Read the rest
Do you sleepwalk through your life? Every day has challenges. And challenges don’t play favorites. They happen to the rich and poor, the beautiful and ugly, the short and tall, the fat and thin, and the old and young. Knowing … Read the rest
Writing For Kids At The Day By Day Cafe
There’s a very special eatin’ establishment…I’ll call it the Day By Day Cafe…where a kid can order his own breakfast, sit in a comfortable chair, and feel just right. Does this cafe really exist? Is it just a figment of … Read the rest