Stress and anxiety. Ho-hum, no pro-blum. Right? So life’s a little stressful. And who cares about anxiety? You and I just sing in the face of such things. Like this… In case you can’t see the video copy and paste … Read the rest
Tag Archives: music and health
I read another interesting article about health benefits from the elements of music. And this article used a couple of words you should never use if you don’t believe in our Creator God. A woman, named Barbara Else, who’s a … Read the rest
You and I exist on this planet at the same time. Have you noticed that? We’re both humans. And we both have the exact same needs. Food, water, shelter, clothes, and emotional stability. Hmm…one of those is not like the … Read the rest
Comic books were a really big deal to a lot of other guys I knew when I was a kid. And I remember going to a couple of my friends’ houses and being amazed at how many boxes of comic … Read the rest
I remember, from back in 1983, a catchy song by a new wave band, The Fixx. And it popped into my head as I started putting my thoughts together for this article. “One Thing Leads To Another.” If you’re old … Read the rest
This is better than performance enhancing drugs When you wanna make your workout even better, skip the performance enhancing drugs. Because they can wreak havoc with your body. And why deal with all those negative side effects when you enjoy … Read the rest
This is the day Well, I’ve mentioned this on the FunderCast. And I’ve talked about it a little, here on the website. And this is the day it happens. When I have steel instruments and a balloon shoved into my … Read the rest
Sittin’ here in gonna wanna shoulda mode Well, sometimes I’m sittin’. And sometimes I’m standin’. But right now, there’s a whole lotta gonna wanna shoulda in my life. Does that ever happen to you? Maybe I should clear up what … Read the rest
I like the sound of a music heartbeat I’ve shared, a few times here on the website, how music can be good for your brain. And I’ve also talked about how music is good for heart healing. And now I’d … Read the rest
You know me. Always serious as a heart attack. Side note (right here at the front of this article): apparently there are people who look up what “serious as a heart attack” means. Seems like it’s self-evident. But I guess … Read the rest
Hey hon, where’d I put my brain computer interface? Apparently there’s a way to connect a computer to your brain and possibly help control your feelings. I know what you’re saying right off. “Where can I get me one of … Read the rest
Calm down and carry on Are you a little bit stressed (or a lot) by so much of what’s going on in the world right now? Yeah, it can pretty stressful to see so many polar opposite opinions of what’s … Read the rest