Music isn’t the only thing that makes you human. And it’s not even the main thing. But music is real. And that’s true even though it’s totally invisible and void. You can’t hold it, touch it, or physically feel it. … Read the rest
Tag Archives: music and health
I’ve shared, a few times here on, how music can be good for your brain. And I’ve also talked about how music is good for heart healing. Like when I shared this info from a heart healing article: It … Read the rest
A Harvard Health Publishing report from back in 2011 said “one out of three senior citizens suffers at least one fall during the course of a year.” I know you’re too young to be the one out of three. But … Read the rest
A huge amount of people (maybe the majority), on social media, aren’t listening to music. Well, maybe that’s not the best place for research. Even though social media IS the source of all truth. But here’s why I mentioned it. … Read the rest
Here’s some scientific research to get your day off on the left foot. And I promise, I’m not trying to fill your head with earworms or brain fog. I just think you should know how things really are in this … Read the rest
I’m biased (and also right) about this. Music makes us human. And “scientists” agree with me. So, there. OK, I’ll drop the attitude and share some gratitude. But there IS a lot of evidence that music makes us human. No, … Read the rest
95 years ago, today, October 6, a quirky little guy said, “”Wait a minute, wait a minute, you ain’t heard nothing yet.” And the crowd went wild. You probably already know I’m talking about Al Jolson. And you probably already … Read the rest
Music is an aural expression of life. From babies in the womb to the silver-haired citizens, music is an amazingly comforting language. I’ve shared a lot of information about the health benefits of music and sound. But it doesn’t benefit … Read the rest
Researchers and scientists are discovering more and more ways music therapy benefits your health. In fact, I’ve read several articles on the subject lately. And I notice how they say that doctors and caregivers integrate music into patient care a … Read the rest
I hope you and I never get a brain injury. And no snippy remarks from the peanut gallery. You know who you are. But seriously, there are so many layers of problems when it comes to an injury of your … Read the rest