Your life is the only one you’re gonna get. And I know that you know it’s not about the skin you’re in. You know it’s the spirit and soul of you. So, I’m preaching to the choir. But if you’ve … Read the rest
Tag Archives: life is beautiful
So. There’s this little protoplanet named “Vesta.” And, as it churns out, little Vesta might have some clues as to how life on Earth might have formed? Yeah, scientists discovered some areas of impact on the “minor planet” that seem … Read the rest
If you’re old enough to remember back to the 60’s, or maybe even 50’s, you know full well that life is short. Right? I mean, how could it already have been this many years since then? If your memory goes … Read the rest
Negative and positive attitudes can both be caused by something. And you can look around and see plenty of places to put (or lay) the blame. Tyrants in control of many (or most) of the nations. Self-serving, thieving politicians. Ubiquitous … Read the rest
A couple of days from now I’ll be sharing a little info about my life of total leisure. But, first, I’d like to share a short blurb on the exciting, and hard-working conveyor belt. And not just any old clunky piece … Read the rest
For those who are loved and appreciated, mothers live on far past their time here on Earth. Today, May 8, 2022, marks the second Mother’s Day without my own mom to call. She died about 90 days before last year’s … Read the rest
Joel Osteen is a fool. He’s not the only fool. Not by a long shot. But he’s one of the biggest. Because he’s in charge of one of the biggest churches in America. And he’s telling (translate that to selling) … Read the rest
(Dateline: February 12, 2022) OK, I’m gonna share a little circular vs linear logic with you. And to illustrate (sort of) the point, let’s travel back in time, almost 30 years, to the release of “The Lion King.” Stay with … Read the rest
She was born in the late 1930’s. A time when America was in the worst depression it had ever seen (at least up to that point). And she witnessed a lot of changes in the American life during her lifetime. … Read the rest
My Grandmother wouldn’t drop it. She probably mentioned it to me every time I saw her. But it was because she loved me enough to try and keep me out of the briars and thorns in life. Finally, when I … Read the rest
A lot of things are true for some people. But only SOME things are true for everyone. And that’s where people will get offended easily. Because what’s true for everyone isn’t always what everyone wants to be true. Like where … Read the rest
I’ve heard this from more than one person in literally every place I’ve ever lived. Regardless of whether it was in the South, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, or West. And I’ve heard it from more than one person in literally every … Read the rest